These Hands Collective will begin offering Makers Workshops starting in November 2018 in Venice Beach, California. These hands-on sessions are interactive, close knit group sessions which will expose our community to a wide variety of makers, insights, and techniques. Over the course of several hours, workshop makers will talk about, demonstrate, and lead others in the techniques of their making. Each workshop will take place in the evening or afternoon and will have between 10 and 25 participants.
The events are not for profit - they are meant to inspire collaboration, inspiration, and camaraderie. We will collect a small fee to help cover the cost of the venue and materials and we will also collect donations for our presenting maker, which provides a small honorarium for them. The presenter will also be encouraged to bring a collection of their work for purchase. Our goal is to recognize and elevate our presenters in a way that honors their work and values them for sharing their experience.
Please make sure that you sign up for our mailing list to find out about our first workshop. Space will be limited so it will be first come, first serve.
I can't wait to meet you!